So which yoga should one practice?
In order to achieve universal consciousness (Samadhi) one needs to prepare the body and mind towards it. Hatha yoga/Astanga yoga are two of the traditional practices to prepare the body and mind while Gyana yoga is a way to enhance one's knowledge to understand life and beyond.
These techniques can be practiced simultaneously and compliment each other to help the Yogi to achieve his goal.
When one decides to begin practice, consistency and discipline are very important.
Ashtanga Yoga
Sage Patanjali also known as the 'Father of Yoga' compiled 195 aphorisms (sutras). These serve as framework for integrating yoga into daily routine in order to lead an ethical life. In the 29th sutra, he has mentioned the limbs of the eight fold path.
Yama - Respect for others
Niyama- Respect for yourself
Asanas- Harmony with your body
Pranayama- Enhancing your energy
Pratyahara- Balancing your emotions
Dharana- Overcoming thoughts
Dhyana- Contemplation
Samadhi- Bliss
In order to achieve universal consciousness (Samadhi) one needs to prepare the body and mind towards it. Hatha yoga/Astanga yoga are two of the traditional practices to prepare the body and mind while Gyana yoga is a way to enhance one's knowledge to understand life and beyond.
These techniques can be practiced simultaneously and compliment each other to help the Yogi to achieve his goal.
When one decides to begin practice, consistency and discipline are very important.
Ashtanga Yoga
Sage Patanjali also known as the 'Father of Yoga' compiled 195 aphorisms (sutras). These serve as framework for integrating yoga into daily routine in order to lead an ethical life. In the 29th sutra, he has mentioned the limbs of the eight fold path.
yama niyama asana pranayama pratyahara dharana dhyana samadhayo 'shtavangani ||29||
यम नियमासन प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार धारणा ध्यान समाधयोऽष्टावङ्गानि ॥२९॥
Yama - Respect for others
Niyama- Respect for yourself
Asanas- Harmony with your body
Pranayama- Enhancing your energy
Pratyahara- Balancing your emotions
Dharana- Overcoming thoughts
Dhyana- Contemplation
Samadhi- Bliss
Each fold(limb) has been described individually in other sutras.
Ashtanga yoga is the most commonly adopted practice of yoga.
Ashtanga yoga is the most commonly adopted practice of yoga.