Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hasta Mudra Workshops

Amazing!!! The workshops at Times Of India bldg were a fantastic experience. All three workshops were wonderful with the awesome inputs, backing and efforts put in by my  husband, brother and kids, more so I wish to greatly acknowledge the support, faith, guidance and everlasting encouragement by my friends, Ruma, Sandhya and Sheela.
 I am blessed to have you all with me, ALWAYS.

This opens a new avenue to holistic healing. The effects of Mudras are quick and longlasting. Faith and regular practise are very important.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Simple ways to........

I get calls from my students and friends to ask about Mudras. The common queries are for gastric problems, heart ailments, cold, indigestion, backache and pain in the knees.

The sedentary lifestyle that most of us lead is indeed the root cause of many such ailments. Erratic eating habits and not so pure food and air have added to health challenges. Practising Yoga, brisk walks and Mudra Therapy is an ideal combination to prevent and cure many ailments.

Taking time off to observe the beauty of nature, playing with small children, laughing at silly jokes or for no reason (like school kids) are some ways of relaxing the mind and destressing oneself.

I received a beautiful message from a dear friend whom I haven't met for a while. To quote-
Some of the best gestures that makes a lot of difference in our busy lives-
A smile from a stranger when you are lost in a crowd,
An old friend calling from a distant land, just to say 'I miss you'
The touch of mother's hand on your forehead when you're unable to sleep
A friend asking you 'what's wrong?' when you thought no one noticed you
A hand on your shoulder when it feels like the world's against you
An unexpected, but badly needed hug from the one you love the most
I pray you get all these when you need them :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanks to the students who attended the mudra workshop yesterday. I was overwhelmed by their response. The attention during the talk was intense and they were interactive. It humbles me to be able to help people overcome their health disturbances.
Mudras are simple and effective in overcoming diseases caused by stress, unhealthy and irregular eating habits, erratic lifestyle, lack of sleep and other such reasons. Cancer too can be cured by a set of "Hasta Mudras".
I always learn a lot from my classes and workshops, I am very open to suggestions from students as it helps me improve the quality of my class and rightly so- I got very nice suggestions yesterday too.
I am glad by the respect we exchange, the connection we make and cause a very positive environment.
Acidity, gastric problems and insomnia were the common ailments we addressed.
"Aum" was the mantra of the day. Aum is a very powerful, effective mantra. It has amazing holistic benefits to the mind and body. The heart too gains from this mantra.
We wound up with a "Mudra Meditation" that destroys and regenrates.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hasta mudras

Weight issues

As a yoga teacher, I come across many students who wish to lose weight and I refuse admission to those who intend to lose weight through Yoga.

Yoga does help reduce weight if it is in excess. Rather, it helps the body's weight to come in proportion to the height and bone structure, by balancing the metabolism. But what does the instructor do to those who do not care for their diet? A longer practice of Yoga helps to bring a person to control his weakness for fattening food which in turn helps to shed weight.

'Yama' and 'Niyama' are the first two steps which help a Sadhak to control his tastebuds by disciplining himself.
I believe Yoga helps to enhance good health, overcome diseases and there are many other benefits. Weight loss is a side effect but nevertheless it is inevitable.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From simple headaches to heart-attacks...cure it all!

India is the origin of various holistic sciences- yoga, pranic, vaastu and tarot to name a few. All these practices were adopted by other parts of the world and have now returned back to India in an innovative packaging.
Although these practices formed an integral part of our traditions, their modernized avatar has become the latest fad.

Mudra therapy is an ancient holistic science of healing oneself. It is not known how this technique originated, but Acharya Keshav Devji was one of those who propagated this therapy and brought it to the reach of the common man.
“Mudra” means a seal of joy.
Some texts have described it as “Mudr- anand”, “dra-to draw” i.e. “to draw/create anand” i.e. “Sachinanda” which is within us.

Mudra Therapy works on two principles-
a) The human body is both, the CAUSE and CURE to diseases, and
b) There is electro-magnetic energy transmitted through the nose-tip, finger-tips and tips of the toes, which CAN be re-directed into the body, to overcome diseases by creating balance between the five elements that the body is made up of.
 It is this balance that helps in not just curing diseases, but also in building up one's stamina and thus in prevention of diseases. Mudra therapy helps cure not only simple illnesses like cough, common cold, headaches etc., but also helps to overcome more complex illnesses like heart-attacks, elephantitis and eczema.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Yoga makes A DIFFERENCE!

I suffered from Asthma since childhood, which became chronic in the second half of 1980's, and lasted till almost end of 90's. I was on heavy medication. At times I would have to call the doctor in the middle of the night. I became so ill that I had to take the nebulizer twice a day.

After a very bad experience while travelling from Jaipur to Mumbai, I decided I had enough of it. I concentrated on practising Yoga and took homeopathic treatment. During this period, I also continued my allopathic treatment. Gradually, my resistance improved and I could overcome the desease for good.

It's been 10 years now and I haven't had an attack. I've overcome the disease! A regular practise of Yogasanas and Pranayams has gradually helped me overcome my disease and build up my resistance. This also encouraged me to teach Yoga to all those who needed guidance to overcome their health problems through Holistic healing.